
Following the Star to Bethlehem

Following the Star to Bethlehem

God asks great things of everyone, to varying degrees. We are each called to serve in different communities, using different skills. But one thing we are all called to do is to be lights to the world, to joyfully lead others to the one true God. The very first light to live out this call was the star of Bethlehem that led shepherds and scholars from distant lands to behold the newborn King.

Yet, the star of Bethlehem never asked for recognition or notoriety. It served God in its own way, according to its unique character. It may have served a small role, but it did as God asked. And so that small, insignificant speck that it was, was elevated to greatness.

The website title is a misnomer. I am not wise. I am a small, insignificant speck in the midst of this grand plan. But I am wise when I admit my complete and utter foolishness. This website is a testament to my reliance on God. I can do nothing apart from Him. All I can hope for is that by pointing to Christ, I can achieve greatness through His eyes.

Let It Be

  Over the past couple of months, the Lord has been challenging my sincerity of surrendering to His Divine Will. “I want everything,” He said, “your livelihood and wellbeing, your pain, your suffering. Your children, and their pain, their suffering. Their very lives. Could you hand them over to me?”

The Charism of Raising Babies

  “Remind yourself of this constantly and strongly establish this truth in your spirit and in your heart that the best way, and even the infallible way, of being in continual prayer is to keep one’s soul at peace before the Lord.” Venerable Father Francois-Marie-Paul Libermann Before having children of my own, I had heard all the complaints that parents who had come before me had about taking care of newborns. The sleep deprivation, the constant crying, the utter delirium that takes hold. What I had heard less often, quite rarely in fact, was the way love can pervade the monotonous routine when you stop thinking about yourself, and how you can fully experience the present moment, and fully delight in it, despite the trials that persist.

St. Francis of Assisi Novena for Freedom from Distractions

  “Worldly and frivolous thoughts, stay here at the door until I return.” St. Francis of Assisi Oh venerable Saint Francis, I ask for all humility, peace, and love through your intercession. I especially ask for your help in obtaining the sublime contemplation you so exquisitely displayed. Through harmony with God and nature, I wish to be completely and utterly lost in the present moment, not to give into distractions or my ever-wandering imagination. Help me, sweet brother Francis, by your intercession and through the immaculate hands of Mary, that I may become ever more conformed to the person of Jesus Christ. I love how you love. Help me emulate that same love in my everyday life. To God be the glory forever and ever. Amen. Lord, make me an instrument of your peace. Where there is hatred, let me sow love, Where there is injury, pardon, Where there is doubt, faith, Where there is despair, hope, Where there is darkness, light, And where there is sadness, joy. Oh Divine ...


Pitch black. I feel the walls on every side of me, above me, and below me. I’ve been trapped before, but it seems like the walls have grown taller, more dense, more suffocating. I start punching and kicking my way out. And as I kick, I grow, until I’ve become too big for the box to contain. I don’t fit inside your box anymore. I never did, but now it’s clear to you.

The Kingdom of Heaven Belongs to Such as These

Being a stay-at-home parent was, without a doubt, one of the hardest things I’ve had to do. Now during this time of quarantine, my husband still leaves the house for work everyday. I am back in this place again, with all of the isolation it brings and the feeling of wanting some breathing room. It’s as if God is telling me, “Face this.”

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